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There are a wide variety of housing programs available in Pennsylvania that can help with finding somewhere to live, in-home supports, home modifications, and more. Options include both private pay and publicly funded programs.

Here are some of the types of services that exist:

  • Assisted living facilities – a long-term senior care option that provides personal care support services such as meals, medication management, bathing, dressing and transportation.
  • Homeless shelters – temporary residence for individuals and families experiencing homelessness
  • Housing modifications – assistance with home improvements, modifications, and repairs that improve the accessibility, adaptability, and/or design of a home
  • Short-term housing – housing options that typically offer leases of less than six months
  • Relocation assistance – assistance with downsizing and relocation
  • Housing search – tools to locate housing in your area
  • Home and community based supports – services that provide assistance with a variety of activities to help individuals remain in their home or community

Please call or fill out our contact form to learn more about the services available in your area.

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Other Resources

  • PACA MH/DS (Pennsylvania Association of County Administrators of Mental Health and Developmental Services)​​
    The Pennsylvania Association of County Administrators of Mental Health and Developmental Services represents county mental health and intellectual disability program administrators from all of Pennsylvania's counties. This website provides a County MH/ID Contact list. 

  • PA SILC (Pennsylvania Statewide Independent Living Council)
    A nonprofit, cross-disability, consumer-controlled organization dedicated to securing public policies that ensure civil rights for people with disabilities. This website provides a list of all Centers for Independent Living that exist across Pennsylvania. 

  • DMVA (PA Department of Military and Veterans Affairs)
    The website of Pennsylvania's Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) helps to provide resources and assistance to Pennsylvania's nearly one million veterans and their families, quality care for aging and disabled veterans, and prepare the Pennsylvania National Guard for their designated roles and responsibilities.

  • US Department of Veterans Affairs
    The US Department of Veterans Affairs provides a variety of information regarding Health Care, Benefits, Career Training, and other services. This website is designed for veterans, family members and spouses, employees, and businesses.​

  • PHFA (PA Housing Finance Agency)
    The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency works to provide affordable homeownership and rental apartment options for senior adults, low- and moderate-income families, and people with special housing needs. Through its carefully managed mortgage programs and investments in multifamily housing developments, PHFA also promotes economic development across the state.

  • SDHP (Self-Determination Housing Project of Pennsylvania, Inc.)
    The Self Determination Housing Project of PA, Inc. is a statewide non-profit organization that works to expand housing options for people with disabilities in Pennsylvania. The mission of SDHP is to promote self-determination and control in housing choice for people with disabilities in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

  • PDA (Pennsylvania Department of Aging)
    This is the main website for the Pennsylvania Department of Aging. This website includes information related to Aging Services; Recent News; and provides resources for Professionals and Providers.

  • DHS (Pennsylvania Department of Human Services)
    This is the main website for the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services. The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services's seven program offices administer services that provide care and support to Pennsylvania's most vulnerable citizens. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for Pennsylvania's individuals and families. We promote opportunities for independence through services and supports while demonstrating accountability for taxpayer resources.

    COMPASS is an online application that allows Pennsylvanians (Adults and Children) the ability to screen for, apply for, and renew many health and human service programs. They include: Medical Assistance (MA), Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Home and Community Based Services (HCBS), Long Term Care Services, etc.

  • DHS OLTL (Office of Long Term Living)
    This website provides information about the types of services and supports funded throughout Pennsylvania by the Department of Human Services Office of Long Term Living (OLTL). The information provided will be helpful for caregivers, people who need rehabilitation and/or personal assistance, and/or people who are planning for future needs. Populations served include individuals over age 60 and individuals with physical/developmental disabilities over age 21.

  • DHS OMHSAS (Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services)
    OMHSAS is committed to providing mental health and substance abuse services and supports that embrace its Mission and Vision that every individual served by the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Service system will have the opportunity for growth, recovery and inclusion in their community, have access to culturally competent services and supports of their choice, and enjoy a quality of life that includes family members and friends. 

  • Mental Health in PA (DHS Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services)
    This website falls under the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS), and helps to ensure that every individual who is served by the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Service system has the opportunity for growth, recovery, and inclusion in their community, along with the chance to enjoy a quality of life that includes family members and friends.

  • DHS ODP-ID (Office of Developmental Programs)
    This website provides information regarding the ever evolving intellectual and developmental disability service system. It is evolving from one focused on providing service in large institutions – often far from a person's home and community -- to one based on a flexible and dynamic system of supports and services close to home and community. The new system is tailored to the needs of persons living in their home community which include community residential and day support services.

  • DHS ODP-BAS (Bureau of Autism Services)
    This website provides information regarding the Department of Human Services' efforts to enhance the quality of life and independence of Pennsylvanians with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and to support their families and caregivers. 

  • DHS Housing
    Housing is critical to a person's health and well-being. DHS believes that too many Pennsylvanians who have extremely low incomes are rent-burdened, too many people experience homelessness or are at risk of homelessness, and too many people who live in institutions could live in the community with assistance. This website describes the strategies being utilized to combat these issues. 

  • DOH (Pennsylvania Department of Health)
    This is the main page for the Pennsylvania Department of Health. The Department's mission is to promote healthy lifestyles, prevent injury and disease, and to assure the safe delivery of quality health care for all Commonwealth citizens.

  • DOH Special Kids Network
    The Special Kids Network assists children and youth with special health care needs to get the services and supports they require in order to thrive in the community and develop to their full potential. This program is offered through the PA Department of Health.